

D’Bastiani, E. ; Struett, M. M. ; Moura, M. O. ; Campião, Karla M. 2018. First record of Filarial nematode in the Brazilian torrent frog Hylodes heyeri (Anura, Hylodidae). Herpetology Notes, v. 11, p. 367.

Leivas, Peterson T.; Leivas, Fernando W. T.; Campião, Karla M. 2018. Diet and parasites of the anuran Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 from an Atlantic Forest fragment. Herpetology Notes, v. 11, p. 109.

Morais, D. H. ; Aguiar, Aline ; Campião, Karla M. ; Tavares, L. E. R. ; Almeida, W. O. ; Avila, R. W. ; Silva, R. J. 2017. New records of Dero (Allodero) lutzi: an oligochaete parasite of the urinary tract of South American anurans. Herpetological Review, 48(4), 739–743.

Tavares, Luiz Eduardo Roland; Campião, Karla Magalhães; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Paiva, Fernando. 2017. Helmintos endoparasitos de vertebrados silvestres em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil In Iheringia Serie Zoologia,107, e-ISSN 1678-476

Pereira, Felipe B.; Campião, K. M.; Luque, José L.; Tavares, Luiz E. R. Parapharyngodon hugoi n. sp., a new nematode (Oxyuroidea: Pharyngodonidae) of the tree frog Trachycephalus typhonius (Linnaeus) from the Brazilian Pantanal, including a key to the congeners from amphibians of the American continent. Systematic Parasitology, 94, 599-607

Campião, K.M.; Ribas, A.C.A; Silva, I.C.O.; Dalazen, G.T.; Tavares, L.E.R. 2016. Anuran helminth communities from contrasting nature reserve and pasture sites in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil. Journal of Helminthology, 91(1):91-96.

Campião, K. M.; Da Silva, Isabela Caroline O.; Dalazen, Gislaine T.; Paiva, Fernando; Tavares, Luiz Eduardo R.. 2016.Helminth Parasites of 11 Anuran Species from the Pantanal Wetland, Brazil. Comparative Parasitology, 83, 92-100.

Campião, K.M.; Dias, O.T.; Silva, R.J.; Ferreira, V.L.; Tavares, L.E.R. 2016. Living apart and having similar trouble: are frog helminth parasites determined by the host or by the habitat? Canadian Journal of Zoology , 94, 761-765.

Campião, K. M.; Ribas, A.; Tavares, L. E. R.. 2015. Diversity and patterns of interaction of an anuran-parasite network in a Neotropical wetland. Parasitology, 1-7.

Campião, K. M.;  Ribas, Augusto Cesar; Cornell, Stephen J.; Begon, Michael; Tavares, Luiz Eduardo Roland. 2015. Estimates of coextinction risk: how anuran parasites respond to the extinction of their hosts. International Journal for Parasitology, S0020-7519(15)0

Campião, K. M; Ribas, Augusto Cesar De Aquino; Morais, Drausio Honorio; Silva, Reinaldo José Da; Tavares, Luiz Eduardo Roland. 2015. How Many Parasites Species a Frog Might Have? Determinants of Parasite Diversity in South American Anurans. Plos One. , v.10, e0140577

Campião, K. M.; Morais, Drausio Honorio; Dias, Olívia Tavares; Aguiar, Aline; Toledo, Gislayne; Tavares, Luiz Eduardo Roland; Da Silva, Reinaldo José. 2014. Checklist of Helminth parasites of Amphibians from South America. Zootaxa, v.3843, 1

Campião, K. M.; da Silva, R.J.; Ferreira, V.L.. 2012. Helminth parasite communities of allopatric populations of the frog Leptodactylus podicipinus from Pantanal, Brazil. Journal of Helminthology, v.88, 1-7.

Campião, K. M.; Delatorre, M.; Rodrigues, R. B.; Silva, R. J.; Ferreira, V. L.. 2012. The Effect of Local Environmental Variables on the Helminth Parasite Communities of the Pointedbelly Frog Leptodactylus podicipinus from Ponds in the Pantanal Wetlands In The Journal of Parasitology,98, 229-235

Campião, K. M; Silva, Reinaldo José; Ferreira, Vanda Lúcia. 2010. Helminth component community of the paradoxal frog Pseudis platensis Gallardo, 1961 (Anura: Hylidae) from south-eastern Pantanal, Brazil. Parasitology Research, 106, 747-751.

Campião, K. M.; da Silva, R.J.; Ferreira, V.L. 2009. Helminth parasites of Leptodactylus podicipinus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from south-eastern Pantanal, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Journal of Helminthology, v.83, 345